Azure Cost Management and Billing updates – November 2020

By Dustin Ward

Whether you’re a new student, a thriving startup, or the largest enterprise, you have financial constraints, and you need to know what you’re spending, where, and how to plan for the future. Nobody wants a surprise when it comes to the bill, and this is where Azure Cost Management and Billing comes in. We’re always…

AWS Step Functions Error Handling

By Dustin Ward

If you think it’s possible to accomplish great things without going through numerous trials and errors first — you’re wrong. We learn to become better and more efficient through experience, and gaining experience requires you to make multiple attempts, but it also requires you to fail to learn from your mistakes. You’ll achieve greatness only once…

Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer announces CodeQuality Detector to help manage technical debt and codebase maintainability

By Dustin Ward

Amazon Web Services FeedAmazon CodeGuru Reviewer announces CodeQuality Detector to help manage technical debt and codebase maintainability Today, we are excited to announce additional capabilities with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer. You can now use CodeQuality Detector to identify smells early, balance between speed and technical debt, and coordinate software development and maintenance efficiently.