Amazon Redshift announces support for hierarchical data queries with Recursive CTE

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAmazon Redshift announces support for hierarchical data queries with Recursive CTE Amazon Redshift, a fully-managed cloud data warehouse, now adds support for Recursive Common Table Expression (CTE). Starting today, you can use a Recursive CTE on your Redshift cluster to query hierarchical data such as organizational charts where employees reports to other employees (managers),…

Amazon Nimble Studio – Build a Creative Studio in the Cloud

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedAmazon Nimble Studio – Build a Creative Studio in the Cloud Amazon Nimble Studio is a new service that creative studios can use to produce visual effects, animations, and interactive content entirely in the cloud with AWS, from the storyboard sketch to the final deliverable. Nimble Studio provides customers with on-demand access to virtual…

Architecting for DR on AWS Outposts with CloudEndure

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedArchitecting for DR on AWS Outposts with CloudEndure This post is written by Scott Howe – Sr. Secure Hybrid Edge Solutions Architect and Schneider Larbi – Sr. Partner Solutions Architect (VMware & Outposts) AWS Outposts is a fully managed offering that extends AWS infrastructure into your data center to facilitate workloads requiring local processing, data…