EC2-Classic is Retiring – Here’s How to Prepare

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedEC2-Classic is Retiring – Here’s How to Prepare Let’s go back to the summer of 2006 and the launch of EC2. We started out with one instance type (the venerable m1.small), security groups, and the venerable US East (N. Virginia) Region. The EC2-Classic network model was flat, with public IP addresses that were assigned…

Build a centralized granular access control to manage assets and data access in Amazon QuickSight

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedBuild a centralized granular access control to manage assets and data access in Amazon QuickSight A large business intelligence (BI) project with many users and teams and sensitive information demands a multi-faceted security architecture. Such architecture should provide BI administrators and architects with the capability to minimize the amount of information accessible to users.…

Supporting development of Core WCF

By Dustin Ward

AWS FeedSupporting development of Core WCF Core WCF is a port of Windows Communication Framework (WCF) to .NET Core. Used to build service-oriented applications based on the .NET Framework, WCF enabled applications to asynchronously send data, packaged as messages, between service endpoints. WCF is a popular framework supporting many service-based use cases, including processing business…