RoQC and Microsoft simplify cloud migration with Microsoft Energy Data Services

By Dustin Ward

This post was co-authored by Ian Barron, Chief Technology Officer, RoQC. The vast amount of data in energy companies slows down their digital transformation. Together with RoQC solutions, Microsoft Energy Data Services will accelerate your journey in democratizing access to data by providing an easy-to-deploy managed service fully supported by Microsoft. Managing large data sets…

Cegal and Microsoft break down data silos and offer open collaboration with Microsoft Energy Data Services

By Dustin Ward

This blog post was co-authored by Espen Knudsen, Principal Digitalization and Innovation Advisor, Cegal. The vast amount of applications and data in energy companies across isolated environments is exposing inefficiencies in collaboration. Together with Cegal Cetegra, Microsoft Energy Data Services will accelerate your journey toward seamless access to the data and applications you need for your day-to-day…

Gain Deeper Insights with Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform

By Dustin Ward

Data is foundational to any digital transformation strategy, yet many organizations struggle to understand what data they have, how to extract insights from it, and how to govern it—according to a 2022 Evanta survey1, over half of Chief Data Officers (CDOs) struggle with siloed operating models when it comes to data sharing and democratization. According to…

Azure Data Explorer: Log and telemetry analytics benchmark

By Dustin Ward

Azure Data Explorer (ADX), a component of Azure Synapse Analytics, is a highly scalable analytics service optimized for structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. It provides users with an interactive query experience that unlocks insights from the ocean of ever-growing log and telemetry data. It is the perfect service to analyze high volumes of fresh and…

Supporting openEHR with Azure Health Data Services

By Dustin Ward

This blog post is co-authored by Trent Norris, Cloud and Data Partner Alliances, HLS. This blog is part of a series in collaboration with our partners and customers leveraging the newly announced Azure Health Data Services. Azure Health Data Services, a platform as a service (PaaS) offering designed exclusively to support Protected Health Information (PHI)…