Announcing more Azure VMware Solution enhancements

By Dustin Ward

I’m writing to you today from VMware Explore in Barcelona, where my team and I are presenting to and meeting with customers and partners in person! When we launched Azure VMware Solution two years ago amid a pandemic, IT agility became a top priority as organizations scrambled to enable remote work and ensure business resilience via cloud…

Zero downtime migration for Azure Front Door—now in preview

By Dustin Ward

In March of this year, we announced the general availability of two new Azure Front Door tiers. Azure Front Door Standard and Premium is our native, modern cloud content-delivery network (CDN), catering to both dynamic and static content delivery acceleration with built-in turnkey security and a simple and predictable pricing model. It has already been…

Cost optimization using Azure Migrate

By Dustin Ward

The higher energy cost and the resulting increase in the cost of doing business have led to a tighter economic outlook for most businesses around the world. This, in turn, is a major contributing factor to customers becoming more cost-conscious, leading to an increased need for optimization features in products and services. Azure Migrate’s comprehensive…