Advancing anomaly detection with AIOps—introducing AiDice

By Dustin Ward

This blog post has been co-authored by Jeffrey He, Product Manager, AIOps Platform and Experiences Team. In Microsoft Azure, we invest tremendous efforts in ensuring our services are reliable by predicting and mitigating failures as quickly as we can. In large-scale cloud systems, however, we may still experience unexpected issues simply due to the massive…

Azure Orbital Ground Station as Service extends life and reduces costs for satellite operators

By Dustin Ward

How can Microsoft empower satellite operators to focus on their mission and enable them to continue the operation of their satellites, without making capital investments in their ground infrastructure? To answer that question, Microsoft worked alongside the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and our partner Xplore, to demonstrate how the commercial cloud can provide…

Achieve seamless observability with Dynatrace for Azure

By Dustin Ward

This blog post has been co-authored by Manju Ramanathpura, Principal Group PM, Azure DevEx & Partner Ecosystem. As adoption of public cloud grows by leaps and bounds, organizations want to leverage software and services that they love and are familiar with as a part of their overall cloud solution. Microsoft Azure enables customers to host…

Observability from cloud to edge in Azure

By Dustin Ward

This post is co-authored by Rahul Bagaria, Principal Product Manager, Azure Monitor Customer Success Our customers are transforming their digital environments, whether migrating workloads to Azure, building new cloud-native apps, or unlocking new scenarios at the edge. As they combine these strategies to meet their business needs, they must also maintain their existing environments. It’s…

Azure Cost Management and Billing updates – January 2022

By Dustin Ward

Whether you’re a new student, a thriving startup, or the largest enterprise, you have financial constraints, and you need to know what you’re spending, where you’re spending it, and how to plan for the future. Nobody wants a surprise when it comes to the bill, and this is where Azure Cost Management and Billing comes…