Deepen the value chain for geospatial earth imagery on cloud using Azure Orbital

By Dustin Ward

Azure Orbital, a managed ground station service, enables customers to communicate to, control their satellite, process data, and scale operations directly in Microsoft Azure. Since our Azure Orbital announcement, we have been rapidly building and deploying ground stations in our datacenters. We are currently deploying multiple satellite ground stations in our datacenters that enable a…

Architect and optimize your internet traffic with Azure routing preference

By Dustin Ward

At Microsoft, we see our customers going through rapid digital transformation to accelerate business growth and empower their employees. And the shift to the digital sphere means a phenomenal growth in internet traffic. The global pandemic has transformed the way we work and live, resulting in a further increase in digital adoption. It goes without…

Azure Front Door enhances secure cloud CDN with intelligent threat protection

By Dustin Ward

This blog post was co-authored by Jessie Jia, Senior Program Manager The Internet is the new corporate network and the fabric that connects users, devices, and data to applications of all types. It is foundational to how organizations run their businesses, engage their customers, conduct commerce, operate their supply chain, and enable their employees to work from anywhere. However, while the Internet is highly scalable and ever expanding, it…

Future-proof your network with Azure for Operators

By Dustin Ward

Increasing competition and ever-growing demand for mobile, always-on services challenges operators to find new strategies to grow profits and gain a competitive edge. To succeed, operators also need to embrace three critical trends: Changing the economics of their service model. Finding new revenue and shareholder value with 5G. Driving digital transformation, consolidation, and automation. To…