Announcing preview of Azure Trusted Launch for virtual machines

By Dustin Ward

Persistent threats like bootkits and rootkits are sophisticated malware types that run with the same kernel-mode privileges as the operating system they infect. Using those privileges, they can hide themselves from diagnostic tools and antimalware, making them extremely difficult to detect and almost impossible to remove. That foothold is typically leveraged by malware to bypass…

Improving agility, performance, and resilience with new Azure infrastructure capabilities

By Dustin Ward

As our customers move beyond immediate crisis needs, such as enabling remote work, many are accelerating cloud adoption to increase competitive advantage and stay more digitally resilient. Enabling an agile, scalable, high-performing, and reliable infrastructure is critical to long-term success. Microsoft is committed to continuous innovation in Azure IaaS capabilities to help customers achieve these…

Back up Linux virtual machines running mission-critical workloads

By Dustin Ward

As organizations continue to embrace Linux, we see a growing number of enterprises running business and mission-critical workloads on Linux virtual machines in Azure. Azure Backup service offers application consistent backup of Linux virtual machines in Azure to safeguard against unintended destruction of data in your virtual machines. Azure Backup also has a specialized offering for SAP HANA that…