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Upcoming Cloud Computing Trends for 2021

Cloud computing has emerged as a crucial component in the enterprise environment as well as the daily lives of consumers. The capabilities of cloud computing were largely responsible for keeping the global economy afloat during the pandemic. The future cloud computing trends point out that cloud computing will be important for all organizations that look for better scalability, cost efficiency, and business continuity.

Furthermore, the after-effects of the pandemic will continue to influence business trends, especially with a striking focus on fundamental platforms for improved agility. At the same time, organizations focusing on the cloud as a continuous journey of improvement can leverage the most reasonable benefits of the cloud. Therefore, staying updated with cloud computing trends for 2021 can provide the ideal support for adapting well to the changes. Here is an outline of some of the notable trends in cloud computing you can expect in 2021.

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1. Rise of Hybrid Cloud Computing 

One of the foremost mentions among cloud computing trends refers to hybrid cloud computing. Various enterprises utilize a hybrid cloud computing system for optimized production and associated workflows. Various experts perceive that multiple organizations would opt for hybrid cloud computing in 2021. The primary advantages of hybrid cloud computing are reflected in the ideal speed, better security, and trustworthy control.

A hybrid cloud can support a reduction in latency, thereby leading to better data speed. Furthermore, users can also get the benefit of customization with a hybrid cloud for addressing diverse use cases. Most important of all, the hybrid cloud would present a promising proposition in terms of security standards that provide a combination of private and public cloud security.

2. Increasing Value of Global Public Cloud Market

The next important factor among upcoming cloud computing trends refers to the value of the global public cloud infrastructure market. The worldwide public cloud infrastructure market is expected to grow by around 35% to reach the value of $120 billion by 2021.

According to Forrester Research, 2021 will witness a sharp growth in the aggressive shift to the cloud.

As a result, market trends would favor increased enterprise adoption, business value, and provider revenue. Furthermore, the share of global IT expenditure towards the cloud will improve further in 2021. Public cloud expenditures by end-users would grow to around $304.9 billion at a rate of 18%.

The pandemic was the foremost reason for improving the value proposition of cloud computing. Enterprises would focus more on using on-demand, scalable cloud models for achieving business continuity and cost-efficiency. So, cloud adoption would become a normal precedent for enterprises in 2021.

Additionally, Gartner also predicted substantial growth in the different cloud computing market segments in 2021. The SaaS market would exhibit a growth rate of 16%, while the PaaS market would present a 26.6% growth rate. The IaaS market would most likely showcase a growth of 26.9%. Therefore, the new cloud computing trends in 2021 will signify a formidable boost in the overall value of the cloud market.

Are you a fresher who is more interested to learn about Cloud Computing? Go through this Introduction to Cloud Computing and boost your Cloud knowledge.

3. Dominance of FaaS 

FaaS or Function as a Service will also be one of the prominent contenders among cloud computing trends for 2021. FaaS is a significant component of cloud computing services. The use of FaaS involves the allocation of responsibility for code usage to an engineer. Interestingly, engineers could easily maintain a strategic distance from the pressures of adopting complex infrastructures. FaaS is basically associated with serverless computing and focuses largely on competitions, API, gateways, and storage, the different FaaS service categories.

In comparison to DaaS and IaaS partners, FaaS provides simpler assistance for developers to ensure savings of time on coding. The role of FaaS in cloud computing trends for the upcoming year also associates with its capabilities for allowing faster creation of confounded roles. Therefore, many notable players in the cloud computing domain would consider the adoption of FaaS as a normal addition to their tools. Most important of all, certain estimates point out a 32.7% annual growth rate for expansion of the FaaS market.

4. Demand for AI Engineering

As the adoption of AI increases, enterprises would need formidable AI strategies for avoiding critical failures in their AI projects. According to Gartner, the majority of organizations could fail to take their AI projects ahead without the support of AI engineering. With a focus on upcoming cloud trends, Gartner also reflected on the impact of issues with governance, maintainability, and scalability on AI projects.

Therefore, AI engineering can help in including AI in the mainstream DevOps process rather than treating AI as a series of isolated and specialization projects. AI engineering focuses primarily on three important aspects, such as DevOps, DataOps, and ModelOps. AI projects generally find dynamic changes in data, code, and models with the constant need for improvement. So, organizations should implement DevOps principles throughout the data pipeline for DataOps alongside the machine learning pipeline for ModelOps.

With a better scope for governance, AI engineering can lead to the rise of responsible AI. Responsible AI is gradually growing in the form of an umbrella term for various aspects of AI implementations. Some of the notable aspects include AI risk, transparency, compliance, interpretability, trust, safety, ethics, accountability, and fairness.

Therefore, responsible AI would be one of the prominent outcomes of AI engineering in 2021. Most important of all, it points out the shift from principles and declarations towards ensuring the proper realization of AI accountability at the society and organization levels.

The combination of AI and cloud computing brings favourable outcomes for the business growth. Here we bring the top benefits of using AI in cloud computing!

5. Combining the Power of Big Data, IoT and Cloud Computing 

The growth of cloud computing would also include an emphasis on the cloud computing trends of combining the power of IoT, cloud computing, and big data. The combination of IoT, big data, and cloud computing will serve as an appealing proposition to all business owners. As a result, the incorporation of combined services will result in transforming the combination into a trend.

Many organizations are presently utilizing the support of IoT and big data. Big data helps in offering information to a particular enterprise after processing and analyzing it. IoT embodies the concept of using interconnected physical devices for production. Therefore, the latest cloud computing predictions for 2021 focus on the promises of increased production rates with the combination of cloud with IoT and big data.

Subsequently, enterprises can access crucial information about competitors and invest additional efforts in driving better business decisions. Most important of all, the introduction of big data in cloud computing will also resolve the concerns of data overload.

Also Check: Relationship between IoT, Big Data, and Cloud Computing

6. Major Position Changes of Top Players 

The latest cloud computing trends in 2021 will also witness a major reshuffle in the positions of the top public cloud providers. According to Forrester, Alibaba Cloud is likely to displace Google Cloud from the third position in terms of revenue in the worldwide public cloud infrastructure market.

The cloud computing revenue of Alibaba presented a year-over-year growth of 59%, with revenues from customers in the retail, internet, and finance industries serving as primary drivers. Google Cloud experienced a growth in revenue up to $3.44 billion in 2021. Google Cloud serves all the requirements for an enterprise-friendly cloud with features such as ERP, account management, and workloads, and analytics management set to gain prominence in 2021.

Therefore, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure could present better competition for AWS. AWS would also continue progressing in terms of services for operations management over messaging, communications, and operations services. AWS provides technology to scale, with Amazon providing the supportive combination of logistics, processes, and operations.

Furthermore, cloud computing trends will push the revenue for Azure cloud in the upcoming year. Secular market demand and exceptional partner trust can likely foster revenue growth during the fiscal year 2021.

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7. Expansion of Serverless

The impact of serverless will also be a prominent highlight in top cloud computing trends 2021. It is an active improvement over the monolithic application architecture followed by micro-services architectures and service-oriented architectures. According to the Flexera State of the Cloud report for 2020, serverless accounted as one of the top five PaaS cloud services in 2020 with exceptional growth.

Serverless basically presents an absolute cloud computing paradigm while also advancing the consumption of the cloud. It features an exciting model with applications designed and developed for working with serverless. The shift towards serverless is one of the common cloud computing trends; you can encounter even today. Containers and cloud-hosted common applications have a huge role in increasing the need for making up applications with smaller components.

As a result, each component can get different treatment alongside the facility of running across different locations. Presently, serverless easily serves as a promising instrument for all types of developers. Cloud application developers were doing just fine till now with their knowledge of AWS, Azure, or GCP functionalities. However, the serverless interface is becoming the conventional interface for developers to interact with.

Also Read: 10 Things Serverless Architects Should Know

8. More Attention on Data Governance and Compliance 

Data governance and compliance will experience massive turbulence in 2021 with the expansion of cloud infrastructure and the global pandemic. Enterprises will focus on starting projects for providing secure migration of data to the cloud. The basic requirement, in this case, will be data encryption by the enterprise data governance team. Only then, the IT or data teams could move the data from on-premises settings to the cloud.

Furthermore, top cloud computing trends 2021 will also feature a dominant focus on data governance. CIOs, CDOs, and CISOs would focus prominently on data governance for ensuring availability and responsible use of cloud data. However, the striking highlight regarding secure data migration focuses on radical changes in regulatory legislation for information sharing.

For example, cloud computing trends will witness additional control over personally identifiable information data for protecting consumer privacy. The recent use of coronavirus data along with the circulation of information as well as misinformation according to personal data obtained from social media platforms calls for new precedents in consumer privacy.

Therefore, you can expect standalone data governance and security tools as integral components in mission-critical business processes. Security, governance, and privacy will be most likely integrated into the early stages of business processes. Developers and technical teams could introduce these requirements in the development of new systems. So, 2021 will put data security, privacy, and governance on the top priorities of IT strategies.

9. Prioritizing Cloud Management and Cost Control 

Management and cost challenges will obviously serve as critical cloud computing trends in 2021. Many enterprises have achieved improvements in collaboration and operational efficiencies, albeit at a prominent cost. Customers with limited skillsets could not leverage their cloud infrastructure with efficiency.

As a matter of fact, cloud wastage is one of the foremost problems that affect cloud adoption. It is clearly evident that operational inefficiencies are abundant, and customers don’t witness any shifts in cost curves. Furthermore, system platform and management vendors want to get into the swiftly progressing cloud computing market beyond the scope of cloud waste.

The vendors also understand the requirement of new tools and platforms for cloud computing management and operations. Many enterprises have capitalized on the trend of cloud cost control comprehensively. Therefore, it is essential to integrate the new platforms and tools in the production application stacks. At the same time, vendors could aim at improving cost-management aspects and in-build cloud efficiency for their offerings.

10. Automated Cloud Orchestration Systems 

Automated cloud orchestration is the final entry in the latest cloud computing predictions for 2021. The sheer volume of interconnected services throughout applications and services can overpower even the most sophisticated IT enterprises. Enterprises face difficulties in the management of quality and quantity of interconnected services.

Therefore, automated cloud orchestration and optimization emerge as notable tools for addressing the complexity of managing cloud infrastructures. The selection of a cloud provider in 2021 would depend comprehensively on automated service and performance management. With many companies having to manage multiple services from a single cloud provider, automated cloud management becomes imperative.

Check Now: Top Cloud Computing Skills You Need to Pick Up in 2021


Based on an overview of the cloud computing trends for the upcoming year, it is clearly evident that cloud computing industry would go through promising advancements. The overall value of the market would showcase promising levels of growth alongside introducing new advancements. One of the key themes in the new trends in cloud computing is the emphasis on security and tooling improvements.

Another important aspect noticed in the trends for cloud computing in 2021 focuses on automation. Therefore, aspiring professionals and enterprise users must be ready to embrace the new changes and improvements in cloud computing. Go ahead and explore cloud computing training courses to start a career in cloud computing!

The post Upcoming Cloud Computing Trends for 2021 appeared first on Whizlabs Blog.